We squander our meager pay
We raise merry hell in the evening
And break the following day
- From the poem “Life in Tientsin China”

Tientsin, 1 Oct 1945

Posing with a new souvenir

Train Guards

Japanese Prisoners of War

A Marine and two Chinese Soldiers

John "Ole" Olson (R) with a buddy and a Kailan Mining Administration (KMA) Guard at the Chaokochuang Coal Mine Complex (Photo courtsey of John Olson)

Enjoying a meal. This photo comes from Cpl Frank Bulter Jr (back row left) who saw combat at Pelelieu and Okinawa. (photo courtsey of Frank Butler III)

Marines heading home. Taku, March 1946

LSM's taking Marines from Taku to the USS President Adams, APA19 and return stateside, March 1946

Peking c.1945. Note the Marine on the left has a new souvenir, a Japanese sword
1st Marine Air Wing:

F4U-U (Photo courtsey of Tom Nallen)

Page from an aviators flight log book belonging to 1st LT Evan Selsor. Selsor flew F4U-4 Corsairs from the Nan Yuan Airfield (South Airfield) from May 1946 through December 1946

Future Astronaut and Senator, Capt John Glenn (center), of VMF-218, c 1946. (Photo Courtsey of Harold Neuberger)

F7F Tigercat (Photo courtsey of Tom Nallen)

Marine Barracks (Photo courtsey of Tom Nallen)

Chinese P-51 (Photo courtsey of Tom Nallen)

Chinese B-24 (Photo courtsey of Tom Nallen)

Several Marines from the night fighter squadron VMF-541 pose with an abandoned Japanese fighter at Nan Yuan

Ordnance men of VMF-541 at Nan Yuan Airfiled

Standing in front of a Nationalist Chinese P-51
Warming up Hellcats of VMF-541


Fleet Landing Exercise, near Tsingtao

Fleet Landing Exercise, near Tsingtao

Wall Art, Corporals Club, Tsingtao

6th Marine Engineers "Mascot" Lu Wong Wo, "SSgt Jingle Bells" Lu was found on the streets of Tsingtao by SSgt Carl Puchaez on Christmas Eve 1945 and taken in by the Marines. He was paid $2.50 twice a month and was greatly loved by engineers, who saw to his housing, board and education.

Don't believe all that stuff you read and hear on the radio as we here know better. The Mairnes will never leave China!
- SSgt Pleas Park, Tsingtao 19 Nov 1945